in the introduction of Great
Game East, the expression “Great Game” was
originally used to denote the struggle between two western powers to wrest
control of energy-rich Central Asia. Across
the Himalayas, in the east, another great game has been on for some time now
between the two Asian giants — India
and China.
The fight began over Tibet
and now includes Northeast India, Myanmar,
Bangladesh and the Indian Ocean. Lintner has even devoted one chapter to
Indo-Bangladesh relations in his book. Here, he talks to Kunal Majumder about the ongoing violence in Assam and how
the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), once a nationalist movement, ended
up becoming a pawn in the great game.
Your book has an entire chapter on the
relationship between Assam
and Bangladesh.
What is your reading of the ongoing situation in Assam?TEHELKA described it quite well. It’s not religious. It’s not Muslims versus
Hindus. It’s a struggle for land. There is a lot of pressure on land both
because of increase in internal population and massive migration from Bangladesh.
Naturally, people from Bangladesh
are Muslims and that adds that dimension to it.But certain interests in India are calling it a grand design to Islamise Assam. Do you
find any credibility in such assumptions?It is possible. But I’m not sure if it is the main reason people are moving
from Bangladesh into India.
Certainly, Islamic groups will want to take advantage of the situation.
Migration to India, first
from East Pakistan, and then Bangladesh
has always been there. One reason this happens in Assam is votebank politics. If you look
back at the Assam Agitation, it was a movement against the so-called foreigners
moving into Assam.
Not only Bangladeshis, Nepalis too were being evicted. It is not about
religion, it is about land and livelihood.Isn’t it ironical that the ULFA based its
politics on an anti-Bangladeshi immigrant stance but eventually accepted
Dhaka’s help to fight India?The ultimate irony is that the movement began as an anti-foreigner movement —
less Nepal, more Bangladesh — and they have been exiled in Bangladesh. Assamese
militants I met in Bangladesh
were not happy to be there but they thought they had no choice. They were being
used by Bangladesh
intelligence services to create trouble in India. The Directorate General of
Forces Intelligence (DGFI) and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), more
than the Awami League, were behind this policy. Things shifted in Bangladesh
depending on who was in power. If the Awami League was in power, the ULFA was
sent to Thailand.
When Sheikh Hasina came to power for the first time in the 1990s, the entire
leadership arrived in Bangkok
save Paresh Barua, who was too useful for the Bangladeshi security
establishment. He was close to Pakistan’s
ISI as well.The ULFA has now split. Almost everyone in
the top leadership is negotiating with the Government of India. Where
does Paresh Barua’s future lie?I first met Barua in 1985 in a Naga camp in northwestern Burma. The
Burmese army attacked the camp. He was an excellent fighter, much better than
any other Naga. Unlike Arabinda Rajkhowa, who was more intellectually
motivated, Barua was the most militant of all ULFA leaders and more politically
motivated. The second time I met Barua was in Bangkok. He had come from Singapore, where he revealed that the ISI were
encouraging the ULFA to increase their activities in Assam
because troops were being withdrawn from the Northeast for Kashmir.
It was in Pakistan’s
interest to reignite some kind of unrest in the region so that India could move its troops back from Kashmir. This was quite telling. I was quite surprised he
was ready to tell me that. I met him for the third time in a safe house in Dhaka, escorted by two Bangladeshi intelligence officers,
who were not particularly happy to see me around. Whether you sympathise with
them or not but from being a nationalist movement, the ULFA became a pawn in
the hands of the establishment of all countries.
Kunal Majumder is a Principal Correspondent
with Tehelka. email kunal@tehelka.com
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