THE RECENT maiden private tour of Rahul Gandhi, the son of Congress President Sonia Gandhi and slain Prime Minister Rajib Gandhi, grandson of slain Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and great grandson of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, to Bangladesh irked confusion and debate among the political observers and analysts, with a question mark what prompted him to make such a tour. They found little logic behind the tour of Rahul, a member of Indian Parliament and one of the secretaries of Indian Congress who reached Dhaka on August 1, (2008) on a 5-day tour amid high profile tight security umbrella. Other than Bangladeshi law enforcers, 10 personnel of Indian SPG (Special Protection Group) reached Dhaka earlier to oversee and conduct his security arrangements. Bangladeshi Nobel peace laureate and Grameen Bank managing director Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus, the host of Rahul, claimed that it was his (Rahul) educational visit that attracted huge coverage in Bangladeshi and Indian media. It was outwardly said that he would use the visit to take first-hand knowledge of the activities of BRAC in various sectors and micro-finance projects of Grameen Bank. Other than visiting Grameen Bank and BARC projects, he also held talks with the officials of CDP (Centre for Policy Dialogue), a research cell infamous for its pro-India tilt.
But media did not miss to uncover one of the major reasons of his visit. Rahul was quoted as saying that he came to Bangladesh to see its poverty in person. Sightseeing tour is vogue around the world. But Rahul Gandhi, the youngest heir of Nehru-Indira dynasty, through his visit to Bangladesh seems to add a new term — poverty-seeing — as if, he did not see the curse of poverty before in his life and it does not exist in India or elsewhere in the world that prompted him to select Bangladesh to quench his thirst. What a strange and cruel cock and bull story it is! Such an intention is really an insult to and unfortunate for Bangladesh. Rahul Gandhi was born in one of the major poverty-stricken countries of the world and its name is India whom Rahul's (i.e. Indian policymakers) now strive to brand as ‘shinning’’ or ‘supper’ India. As the Indian policymakers are no longer ready to identify India as a poor country, (though it is really poor till date), for this reason, perhaps, Rahul failed to discover poverty among the Indians. So he opted to see poverty in Bangladesh. But Bangladeshis are not poorer than the Indians. India’s strive for attaining superpower status blinded its policymakers that failed them to see and comprehend their poverty, though India is one of the poorest countries in the world. If Rahul was knowledgeable enough about India he would not have selected Bangladesh to see poverty. So for his kind information I think it wise to reproduce some statistics so that he gets minimum information about India’s poverty.
On the occasion of India’s 60th founding anniversary, ‘The Guardian’ a prestigious daily of Great Britain uncovered the following facts on India. Over 50% of Urban India has no access to sanitation. Many deadly diseases and others that afflict India can be traced to the same source: drinking water contaminated by human waste, says ‘The Washington Post’. Infected water causes an estimated 80 percent of disease in India, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), making poor sanitation and inadequate sewage disposal the nation's biggest public health problems. In rural areas, where more than 70 percent of Indians live, fewer than 10 percent of homes have toilets.
According to ‘The Guardian’ 100 million Indians live in the slums. 100 millions Indians are unemployed. India has 50-million child labours. 60% of country is still employed in Agriculture which contributes only 22% to GDP. 33% of all illiterates of world live in India. In china this figure is just 11%. There are 200 millions children in India and 50 millions don’t go to School. 80,000 Schools are without Blackboard. 1, 44,000 Schools have just one teacher. 26% of Indian population still lives below official poverty line. In rural area of Orissa (an Indian State) poverty rate is 43% while in Bihar it is 41%. 45% of Indian Children under five are malnourished.
‘The Christian Science Monitor’, (February 10, 2004 edition) says more than three quarters of the Indians live without access to a simple toilet. Nearly 89 percent of all Indians either defecate in the open, or use temporary latrines or substandard community toilets. Nearly 600,000 Indian children die each year of ailments linked to poor sanitation. The UN's World Development Report of 1993 ranked India slightly above sub-Saharan Africa in terms of infectious diseases.
India ranks 127th among 175 countries of the world. India's under-five mortality rate per 1,000 live births is 93, that is, one in eleven children dies before the age of five. Its maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births is 540, compared to 56 for China and 380 for even Bangladesh. The official National Sample Survey of 2000 revealed that three-fourths of India's rural population and half the urban population did not get the minimum recommended calories.
"There is already a sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) within India – half of our rural population or over 350 million people are below the average food energy intake of SSA countries." (Utsa Patnaik, "It is time for Kumbhakarna to wake up", Hindu, August 5, 20/05)
Official data tell that 42 per cent of children enrolled drop out before completing primary education (I-V) Another 19 per cent, according to official data, drop out before completing upper primary education (VI-VIII). These data in fact understate the problem. Survey-based data, which are more reliable, put the figure of drop-outs at the primary level at around 50 per cent. (Business Standard, November 2, 2005). And according to Census data, 43.5 per cent of the children between the ages of five and nine are not in school The 2001 Census data show that of 128.3 million children between the ages of five and nine, only 72.5 million are attending school.
Moreover, the quality of education imparted in government schools is so dismal that "half the children in Class IV in government schools in Mumbai cannot do the arithmetic calculations required of a Class I student. When put to the test, 18 per cent of students attending Classes II to V in Andhra Pradesh couldn't do single-digit additions while only 12 per cent managed single-digit subtractions. In a spot-the-object quiz, only 54 per cent got the results right." (Praful Bidwai, "The Great Indian Education Bazar", www.prafulbidwai.net/archives/20050905). The above statistics are enough to justify the poverty of India. In brief, I should say, India will not be able to eradicate its poverty in see able future.
Rahul Gandhi was surely frustrated, as there was no trace of poverty on the face of those Bangladeshis whomever he saw during his visit in BANGLADESH. He did not see any cottage or hut, (what is abundant in India) on his way to and from Gazipur Sadar, Kapasia, Rajendrapur, Singhair, etc. Bangladeshis are poor, but not as poor as the Indians. Their living standard and buying capacity are higher than the Indians.
Bangladesh could prosper more and reach the rank of Malaysia or Singapore if Bangladesh could remain free from India’s overt and covert designs. Indians are envious of Bangladesh and its people. So the Indian leaders and policymakers should change their mindset against Bangladesh and shun their big-brotherly attitude and their tendency of undermining Bangladesh. #
Mohammad Zainal Abedin is a Bangladeshi researcher & journalist and writes from USA
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
From 1972 after independent, Bangladesh Nationals started to establish Industries investing family resources ,using Innovative Technology as self earner to achieve Economic Freedom & to create jobs for millions of unemployed when almost everything was damaged due to Liberation War and These Entrepreneurs are commonly know as 1st ( first ) Generation Industrial Entrepreneur of Bangladesh
Government also started to help these fast growing PRIVATE SECTOR INDUSTRIES AS IMPORT SUBSITUTES and for EXPORT having fund from International Loan Giving Agencies which were distributed through different Banks from 1979
Unfortunately the Owners of these Industries became helpless victims of deep rooted conspiracy and Anti Propaganda. The Bank officials refrain themselves from ascertaining production capacity of imported machineries and to provide required working capital loan in time extending non-cooperation harassment, negligence and fraudulent activities. And all these have been done willingly just to jeopardize the Government Industrial policy as well to terrorize the Owners of Industries of Private Sector finally to occupy the Mortgage Properties of the owner of the Industries under Private Sector.
Due to such activities Hundreds and Thousands of Industries were destroyed by Bank Officials and Policy Maker.
Over and above capitalizing the Illiteracy, Ignorance and Extreme Poverty of Vast Majority Bangladesh Citizens most of such laws were forced upon the Citizen including Owner of the Industries of Private Sector in co-operation with their alliances who are busy to convert Bangladesh a Bottom less Country.
Due to such activities most of the Industries have became in-operatives and have lost their Cash Capitals, Expatriate Capabilities and became helpless victims of oppressive laws.
In 1992 & 1996 Government of Bangladesh identified and registered many Industries as SICK INDUSTRIES declaring not as Defaulter of Bank Loan but victims of Violation of Contract , Negligence , Fraudulent or Malpractices of Bank Officials. And Policy Maker due to Lack of Accountability. And the matter of Lack of Accountability at every stage of Bangladesh is no more a hidden Matter.
THE HELPLESS OWNERS OF INDUSTRIES ARE LOOKING FOR JUSTICE, BUT THE DOOR OF JUSTICE ARE CLOSED Due to Enactment of a Law Know as ARTHA RIN ADALAT ACT ( Bank Loan Recovery Act ) on 1989 which were also amended on 2003 and 2007 . Bank Ruptcy Acts were also enacted on 1997 treating the Owners of Industries under Private Sector like as Slave of Colonial Period WHEN THE HANDS OF THE PRODUCER AND TECHNICIAN OF MOSLIN FABRICS ( which were only produced in Bengal of undivided INDIA) were cut down to stop production of Finest Fabrics by Bengali Technicians and Producer.
But surprisingly the ARTHA RIN ACT are not applicable for Nationalized or State Sector .where BILLIONS OF DOLLARS are spend till today without any accountability.
Out of Total of outstanding defaulted Bank Loans, about 60 to 70 % are lying with Nationalized / State Sector and less then 10 % are lying with Small and Medium sized Industries of Private Sector of Bangladesh. And Bank Official can explain well about the remaining of the Loan Amount.
Due to which BANGLADESH HAS BECOME A HEAVEN FOR REPRESSION / EXPLOITATION Forcing the process to increase Poverty line in Geometric Ration & also helping the process of Lawlessness and Human Trafficking .
The Owners of Industries of Private Sector can not claim any set - off or compensation on the same suit as filed by BANK OFFICIALS or THE LOAN GIVING AGENCIES for Loan Recovery under Artha.Rin Act . for VIOLATION OF CONTRACT , NEGLEGENCES , Malpractices of Bank officials / Policy Maker.
AS A RESULT NUMBER OF SICK / DISTRESSED INDUSTRIES are increasing in every year due to complete lack of accountability of Bank Officials and Policy Maker .
BANK OFFICALS / LOAN GIVING AGENCIES HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TOTAL INDEMNITY OF LAW for violation of contract , negligence, Fraudulent Activities , . These have been done to hide out existing high profile malpractices and corruptions as per opinion of Expert Personals.
The Owner of Industries of Private Sector have no Legal Right to protect themselves from the oppression of Bank Officials & Policy Maker and these are no more hidden matter ,rather a part of the on going conspiracy to make Bangladesh a Bottom Less Basket.
Although in neighboring countries Like INDIA where there is LAW FOR LOAN RECOVERY KNOWN AS “ DEBT RECOVERY TRIBUNALS ( DRT )” where the Owner of Industries or other borrowers are allowed to claim Set off or Compensation in same suit and same court at same time.
But in BANGLADESH Owner of Industries or Other Borrowers of Bank Money are completely deprived of any such opportunity rather provision have been to hide out corruption , negligence, fraudulent activities of Bank Officials as per opinion of Expert Personals giving TOTAL INDEMNITY OR LICIENCE FOR UNENDING CORRUPTION OR MAL PRACTICES & Violation of Contracts & negligence .,
And Owner of Industries or Borrowers of Bank loans are completely deprived of any type of JUSCTICE. Common people are also facing another type of repression UNDER CERTIFICATE CASE for realization of Government Taxes . small loan of farmers , weavers etc ,
Industrial Entrepreneurs can only file a separate suit for compensation in a separate Civil Court which will be a matter of life long litigation .with no result .
As per Artha Rin Act nothing can be raised against the Order or Decree of Artha Rin Court to Higher Court and also without Payment of 50 % of the suit value or Decretal Amount,
The door of appeal or revision are closed denying the Legal right of Owners of Industries. As per Sections 12, 12 ( kha) , 18(2) & (3) , 19, 20,21,33, 34,40,41,42,44, 47 and 50 of Artha Rin Act.
There are no other alternative way , but to draw the attention of concern authority of Bangladesh including PATRIOT INTELLECTUAL PERSONS AND LEADER OF CIVIL SOCIETY AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO VERYFY the above and help for restoring EQUAL RIGHT for JUSTICE . and to help to Protect the Owner of Industries including Workers and other supporting Staffs who are already in Distressed Condition due to lapses of Policy Maker an Bank Officials and of the Oppressive Laws .
And to help to restore the accountability in all organizations including BANKS & other Loan Giving Agencies for the greater Interest of Nations please Circulate our humble appeal among Honorable Members , Partners of your organizations or in your News Bulletins and in Printed or Electronic News Media for Transmission this appeal among all organizations working for HUMAN RIGHT , DEMOCRATIC RIGHT and to PREVENT LEGAL ABUSE and OPPRESSIVE LAWS and also to consider the followings :
1-. Humble Appeal before the Government of Bangladesh to allow Owners of Industries to claim SET OFF or COMPENSATIONS for Negligence , Violation of Contract , Fraudulent or Malice Activities when the Bank Officials file any suits for recovery of Loan similar to DRT ( DEBT RECOVERY TRIBUNALS ) OF INDIA
2- Considering the heavy Loss / Damages of Government Registered & Identified SICK INDUSTRIES of 1992 & 1996 of Private Sector may be allowed 100 % weaver closing all Pending Suits for recovery of Loan unconditionally .
3- The Existing System of Mortgage of Landed Properties .for getting Loan need to be completely abolished .to remove ever growing corruption , malpractices and fraudulent Activities which exist in Banking Sector and are much Proven Facts for the greater national interest.
4- All pending suits in Atrha Rin Court may kindly be transferred to Civil Commercial Court abolishing Sections 12, 12( kha) , 18(2) & 18(3), 19,20,21,33, 34,40,41,42,44,47 and 50 of Artha Rin Acts including Sections 28 ( Ks) of Banking Company Acts , Creating Democratic Opportunities similar to DEBT RECOVERY TRIBUNAL S ( DRT ) of INDIA for the end of JUSTICE.
5- And to take immediate steps to abolish the system of CERTIFICASE CASE which are nothing but abuse of LAW and worst one like that of COLONIAL RULE .
Suffering Groups of Owners of Industries of Bangladesh.